Our Membership

International arbitrators, academics, in-house arbitration managers and arbitration counsel from all over the world make up the membership of the ITA. Depending on their membership level, members appoint one or more representatives on the ITA Advisory Board. Advisory Board members may attend tuition-free either the Annual Workshop (in Dallas) or the Americas Workshop (in Latin America), and enjoy discounted tuition at all other ITA programs. They also receive free subscriptions to to ITA’s e-journal ITA in ReviewNews and Notes, ITA’s newsletter with its acclaimed Scoreboard of Adherence to Transnational Arbitration Treaties; the opportunity to subscribe for free to several online services including the ITA Arbitration Report at KluwerArbitration.com, the primarily Spanish-language forum ITAFOR and the ITA-LEL Legal Educators listserv; and a variety of other benefits.

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